Month: December 2021
Month: December 2021

Yellow spots on my labia
What are these yellow spots on my labia? I am a 27 years old and a nurse but I have not yet asked for a professional opinion. I have had them for as long as I can remember, even before I ever had intercourse, so I don’t believe it can be a STI. They don’t…

Does my vagina look normal?
Ive had 2 kids (second degree tear)and ive never really look down there. Well now i looked and i keep having anxitey attacks beacuse i keep getting paranoid that something is wrong. Does my vagina look normal? I got my iud in about 6 months ago and they never said anything. What you are referring…

Bumps on my vagina
I’m 22 years old and I have only slept with one person. I have these bumps on my vagina and like uneven skin inside the opening where the arrow is pointing. What are the bumps caused by? They were there before I ever did anything with a guy so I know its not a std…

Is it safe to cut off my labia?
I’m 19 and I can’t afford labiaplasty surgery. My health insurance won’t cover it because they say its a cosmetic procedure. Is it safe to cut off my labia? What are the risks? I really can’t take it anymore as the embarrassment about how it looks is becoming too much. I cry myself to sleep…