Large pubic mound

I’m 18 years old and from a young age I’ve had an abnormally large pubic mound. I’ve always been insecure about it because I can’t wear certain types of clothing, since the pubic mound sticks out so much. When I wear tighter pants, two pronounced lines will form between my thighs and the public mound, outlining the entire area, not to mention that it also looks almost as if I have male genitalia.

Thank you for sharing. The area you are referring to is the mons pubis (the area above the vagina). Like other parts of our bodies, there are variations in size and shape when it comes to the mons pubis. Some are caused by additional tissue in that area, while others are caused by the bone structure of the pelvic bone. I am sorry to hear that yours has led to insecurities. Hopefully, knowing that you are not alone and that this is a normal variation, will help.


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