Unusual labia
In the past there was a time when I hated my unusual labia and thought they were repulsive. Now, I have a boyfriend who LOVES my large and quite unusual labia and tells me so all the time. Really though he is just a great guy and would love my labia because they are part…

Protruding clitoris
I have a protruding clitoris which goes past my labia when I am not aroused and is stimulated all day and a problem when working. I don’t know if this problem is common. I want to avoid surgery. I can’t wear panties because my clitoris rubs on them. Without panties I have to frequently wipe…

Self conscious about my protruding vagina
Firstly, I’m so glad I found this page. I used to scroll through ‘real self’ to find images that would reassure me that my vulva was normal yet everyone on that website wanted theirs to change. Here I’ve learnt that actually not everyone with a visible / protruding vagina wants it altered. I’m 22 and…
Labiaplasty regrets
I had labiaplasty in my late 30’s and I am experiencing serious labiaplasty regrets. I had always been self conscious about the appearance of my labia. Now I have gone into menopause and I can tell you that it is causing real issues. I have constant irritation and urinary tract infections that I attribute to…

Yellow spots on my labia
What are these yellow spots on my labia? I am a 27 years old and a nurse but I have not yet asked for a professional opinion. I have had them for as long as I can remember, even before I ever had intercourse, so I don’t believe it can be a STI. They don’t…

Does my vagina look normal?
Ive had 2 kids (second degree tear)and ive never really look down there. Well now i looked and i keep having anxitey attacks beacuse i keep getting paranoid that something is wrong. Does my vagina look normal? I got my iud in about 6 months ago and they never said anything. What you are referring…

Bumps on my vagina
I’m 22 years old and I have only slept with one person. I have these bumps on my vagina and like uneven skin inside the opening where the arrow is pointing. What are the bumps caused by? They were there before I ever did anything with a guy so I know its not a std…

Is it safe to cut off my labia?
I’m 19 and I can’t afford labiaplasty surgery. My health insurance won’t cover it because they say its a cosmetic procedure. Is it safe to cut off my labia? What are the risks? I really can’t take it anymore as the embarrassment about how it looks is becoming too much. I cry myself to sleep…
I hate how my labia looks
i’m 15 and i hate how my labia looks. ever since i started masturbating is when i noticed my clit hood grew larger and the skin stretched and made it look absolutely horrible. my labia is a very dark mauve and i am so overly insecure about it. after reading that labiaplasticity is an option…

I love my vagina
I’m currently 21 and I love my vagina more and more every single day. She’s hairier than I usually like her to be, but I still think my vagina looks perfect. As a young girl, it was so difficult to see my vagina as beautiful. When I got older, I would see pictures of other…